Viata este ceea ce se intampla in timp ce iti faci planuri pentru alte lucruri
Viata este ceea ce se intampla in timp ce iti faci planuri pentru alte lucruri. E un citat pe care mi l-am notat in Notes-urile din EVERNOTE pe care le citesc si recitesc zilnic. De ce fac asta? Pentru a nu uita sa traiesc clipa. Tot ce am este acum si fac toate eforturile sa pastrez acest lucru in minte, permanent.
Dincolo de hedonism, de dorinta de fi fericit (chestiuni legitime atat timp cat nu devin obsesii si prilej de competitie materialista) a trai in pace cu tine insuti si cu lumea in general e un gand si actiune importanta.
Daca presar si un pic de stoicism, reteta este echilibrata.
Am gasit astazi un articol frumos, “24 Ways to be More at Peace With Yourself & the World” si il distribui chiar aici, pe blog.
Eu rezonez cel mai bine cu activitatile listate mai jos.
Care ar fi lista ta?
- Try to do something nice for someone each day, even if it’s something as simple as giving a genuine complement. You never know how big of an impact you can have on someone’s day.
- Pick up a piece of trash each day. It’s a simple thing to do to make the world cleaner.
- Drink a glass of water in the morning. There’s tons of research that shows how amazing this is for your health.
- Drink more tea.
- Meditate. It does wonders for your mind, body, and soul.
- Exercise. Don’t say you’re going to exercise, just do it. Even if all you can commit to is 10 push ups before bed, that’s 3,650 push ups a year that you wouldn’t have done otherwise.
- Read more. Try to stay away from the big media though, read independent authors and blogs, not fear-mongering, over-hyped news.
- Take one minute a day to just stop, relax, and appreciate the world around you. Don’t rush through your life, forgetting to see the everyday beauty. All it takes is 60 seconds.
- Plant a garden. The bigger the better.
- Eat more berries, nuts, and fruit.
- Make something with your hands. Whether it’s carving wood, braiding a bracelet, or sewing clothing, there’s a certain amount of joy and pride to be had when you make something physical with your own two hands.
Photo: ENJOY from Shutterstock.