Recapitalizare si marketing
Eurobank a incheiat cu success unul dintre cele mai ample programe de recapitalizare din istoria Greciei. Operatiunea a constat in gasirea a 2,86 miliarde de euro prin emiterea de noi actiuni, la un pret de 0,30-0,33 euro pe titlu.
Financial Times aprecieaza ca oferta a fost suprascrisa, Eurobank primind ordine in valoare totala de 7 miliarde de euro de la “institutional investors” si ‘hedge funds”.
Tot Financial Times scrie ca printre acesti investitori se afla nume mari precum Capital Group (cel mai mare investitor cu 550 milioane euro), Fairfax Financial (cu o investitie de 400 milioane euro), Fidelity, WL Ross, precum si doua fonduri de pensii din Canada -Brookfield si Mackenzie.
Publicatia il citeaza pe CEO-ul Eurobank, Christos Megalou:
It’s been a bumpy ride but we’re back, we’re well capitalised and we’re looking forward to contributing to the Greek recovery.
Recapitalizarea a fost anticipata printr-o campanie de marketing derulata in unitatile Eurobank cat si, evident, in canalele de comunicare in masa (TV).
Spotul TV surprinde foarte bine momentul si importanta lui pentru intreaga comunitate. Prin comunicarea facuta de Eurobank in aceste zile, grupul financiar ocupa o pozitie foarte buna in spatiul competitiv comunicational.
Domeniul ales de Eurobank este “Motive” -acesta este unul dintre cele 6 domenii pe care comunicatorii le analizeaza atunci cand doresc sa creeze un nou mesaj care sa patrunda prin perdeaua deasa de mesaje emise de ceilalti jucatori. In functie de domeniul ales si cat de aglomerat este acel domeniu, creativii care lucreaza pentru advertiser dezvolta un concept de comunicare si il declina in executii pentru diverse canale.
Un pic de teorie din manualul de marketing inainte de spotul TV si de executia creativa din unitatile Eurobank (poster):
Motive advertising focuses on defining and explaining the company’s purpose, its reason for being, its corporate “vocation” and drive – why it does what it does, suggesting it has a unique role to play in our lives or a distinct motive for being in business. Motive ads often express a company’s desire to change, challenge or promote a particular cause or issue on the behalf of the consumer, or the world at large.
Spotul TV este aici (mai intai traducerea Voice Over-ului din Greaca in Engleza):
When you know that every move you make does not concern just you but can influence many, you feel a stronger sense of responsibility making your next move. With this sense of responsibility Eurobank will take the first step and develop conditions for a breath of fresh air in our new lives.
Eurobank – responsibly by your side.
In unitatile Eurobank au fost plasate afise cu urmatorul mesaj:
We are now taking the first step to breath new (fresh) air into all of our lives,
iar executia creativa este:
Mai jos, in cateva randuri, tot din manualul de marketing, explicatiile pentru celelalte 5 domenii de comunicare in care se pot plasa mesajele unui advertiser:
Domain: Benefit
A benefit proposition focuses on the benefit or experience of a product’s use. Communications built from this proposition domain express the benefit that is the result of, an explanation of, or supported by, a particular product feature and its use, e.g. “saves you time”, “makes you thinner”.
There are rational as well as emotional benefits – these are often linked in communication. In addition, benefits are frequently demonstrated in advertising through comparisons, testimonials and analogies.
The goal of communication in this domain is to make consumers associate the benefit with the brand in order to generate consumer preference.
Domain: Features
Under a features proposition, the focus is placed on highlighting a particular feature, characteristic ingredient or attribute of the product, the benefit of which is so apparent, it needs no explanation, e.g. the number of cash dispensing machines a bank has, the 0-60 acceleration of a car, a secret recipe.
Advertising frequently emphasizes the feature by exaggerating it, “cut-away” demonstrations of it, semi-science explanations of it.
The goal of communication in this domain is to link recall of the brand with the feature “You’ll remember this product because it is…”
Domain: Recognition
The proposition solely focuses on building recognition and familiarity using the brand’s core iconography, symbols and other proprietary properties. The resulting communications are made from nothing other than the product or company name, branding or proprietary “iconography”. Most advertising features a logo or brand name/pack. However, recognition communications are made entirely from just these elements.
This kind of communication aims to make the face of the brand famous, instantly known and recognized.
Domain: Area
Communication in the area domain creates the world where the brand lives or originates, its territory. This may be a real physical location or a made-up, metaphorical world, time or place where certain attitudes or behaviors are commonplace.
Communication based on these propositions evokes a strong sense of the brand’s world, its time, place or moodset, weaving the brand into this environment.
Domain: Beliefs
Beliefs communication expresses the beliefs and attitudes of the brand or the user. These beliefs may be intrinsic to the product and its manufacture, or a borrowed point of view about the world and the context/motives of the consumer.
Communication drawing on beliefs propositions often creates empathy by highlighting a value or attitude that the brand and target audience may hold in common.
Belief ads literally focus on the belief of the company, the brand or the user and nothing else. The goal of communication in this domain is to create empathy for the brand by communicating and bringing to life the brand or the user’s values.
Photo credit: Financial data from Shutterstock.