Evernote Premium – 6 luni gratis de la Cosmote
De ieri beneficiez de serviciul Premium de la Evernote. Pentru ca sunt abonat Cosmote, am avut posiblitatea sa imi activez, pentru 6 luni, gratuit, acest serviciu.
Premium de la Evernote inseamna access la cateva caracteristici suplimentare fata de optiunile standard:
Offline Notebooks – notes are available anywhere, anytime, even without an internet connection. Perfect for flights, international travel and working on the go.
Passcode Lock – added layer of security on mobile devices to protect valuable information such as business plans, receipts, health information, and photographs.
Presentation Mode – turning notes into beautiful, full-screen presentations.
Related Notes – as you’re creating notes, Evernote surfaces the previously-created content that may be connected to what you’re currently working on. The more you type, the more refined the results will be, letting you focus on what’s relevant and important in the moment.
Sunt un fan declarat al Evernote, am mai scris despre acest sistem aici si aici.