my Morning News
Interview: Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg.
In any case, it seems rather redundant to ask Sandberg how she “does it”. Last month she published her first book, Lean In , which describes in breathless detail how she has made family and career work – and appeals for more women to do the same. Never mind the fact that western women have entered the workforce and education in record numbers in the past two decades: this achievement has not filtered through to the top corporate jobs, of which only 14 per cent are held by women.
Depressingly, that low statistic has remained flat for a decade. And in the UK, the number is lower still, at about 6 per cent. “There is stagnation,” she exclaims to me. “And no one is talking about it.”Some women blame this problem on male prejudice or institutional impediments. But Sandberg also thinks that women’s minds are at fault. Most notably, she believes they sabotage themselves by “leaning back” in their careers before and after having children, failing to make their voices heard and refusing to make men take on an equal share of domestic tasks. Thus she wants more women to “lean in” at work – pushing for success, even as they attend their kids’ baseball matches.
Piraeus Bank makes 10 percent threshold.
Piraeus Bank has become the first systemic lender to make the 10 percent threshold of private participation in its share capital increase, as required under the terms of the sector’s recapitalization process. This was achieved after the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF) on Friday approved Piraeus’s deal with the Portuguese owner of Millennium Bank.
Sources said the final amount that Portugal’s Millennium bcp – which is leaving the Greek market after selling its subsidiary – will offer toward the share capital increase of Piraeus will be 400 million euros. Piraeus has also absorbed the Greek subsidiary of Societe General, which contributed another 170 million euros toward its share capital increase.
Schimbarea economiei României în ultimii zece ani. Ce modificări a adus criza şi ce va urma?
Evoluţia structurii economiei româneşti din ultimii zece ani indică o economie emergentă ce a trecut printr-o fază de supraîncălzire şi acum se reface, cu un sector al serviciilor încă sub media UE, dar şi o schimbare a structurii dinspre ramurile cu valoare adăugată mică, precum agricultura, spre ramuri cu valoare adăugată mare, ceea ce este benefic şi contribuie la îndeplinirea criteriilor de convergenţă reală spre zona euro.