Link-uri de Duminica
1. Financial Times – Those we have loved and lost
Lush cosmetics has a ‘retro’ range; Coke has faced calls to revive its citrus drink Surge; Ben & Jerry’s has a ‘flavor graveyard’ for devotees to mourn bygone varieties; and Terry’s Pyramid features in an online video showing fans how to make one.
2. Ziarul Financiar/Dupa Afaceri Premium – Clădirile istorice ale Italiei se transformă în resorturi de lux
În încercarea de a scăpa de datorii Italia îşi va scoate la licitaţie castelele, fortăreţele, închisorile şi insulele părăsite, pentru a fi transformate în resorturi de lux.
3. Social Media Examiner – Storytelling: Why Stories Attract More Customers
Why should your businesses care about storytelling? Dave believes that storytelling is important because people don’t care about you. It’s really important to truly listen because people would rather talk about themselves.
Storytelling is much more effective than going through data or any kind of sales pitch. It connects people, and gets people engaged and interested. The reason why people love going to the movies and reading books is because we love to be engaged by stories.
Whether you are at a boardroom talking to your staff, or pitching to a prospect or putting content out there to the world, storytelling can bring your business alive. It can help you connect with your audience. And it can eventually persuade people.