Marti, 14 Ianuarie 2014, incepe la Viena o noua editie a conferintelor Euromoney, The Central & Eastern European Forum 2014. Euromoney este unul dintre cei mai importanti organizatori de conferinte pentru “cross-border investment and capital markets for portfolio and direct investors, financial intermediaries, corporations, governments, banks and financial institutions”.
Linia de conferinte a evoluat din publicatia Euromoney, “the strategic magazine of international finance, money and capital markets“. Evenimentul are loc la hotel Hilton Vienna (pagina Google+, pagina Facebook).
Detalii privind declaratiile facute in cadrul evenimentului pe platformele sociale:
Eurobank este si in acest an unul dintre sponsorii principali. Speakerii grupului la acest eveniment sunt Anthony C. Hassiotis, Head of International Activities General Division si Gikas Hardouvelis, Chief Economist and Head of Economic Research.
Sectiunile relevante pentru Romania din programul The Central & Eastern European Forum 2014:
Tuesday 14 January
09.30-10.35 Panel I: Europe: Recovery and Growth
- What ECB policy means for Central and Eastern Europe
- What US Federal Reserve policy means for Central and Eastern Europe
- A European Banking Union and CEE Inflation
- Where can we expect to see growth? What will drive it?
- Restoring and maintaining capital flows
Moderator: Richard Ensor, Chairman, Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC
Speakers: Erik Berglof, Chief Economist, EBRD, Daniela Bobeva, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Development, Government of Bulgaria, Aasim Husain, Deputy Director, European Department, IMF, Sasa Radulovic, Minister of Economy, Ministry of Economy, Government of Serbia, Liviu Voinea, Minister for Budget, Ministry of Public Finance, Government of Romania.
14.15-15.00 Workshop B: Restarting the CEE Growth Engine. Comparative advantages and areas of interest to FDIs
- Reform areas in which more progress is required
- EU funds absorption and the role of IFIs
- The degree of fiscal discipline that would not derail growth
- The CEE financial sector in view of the upcoming EMU Banking Union
- Regional economic cooperation
Moderator: Theodore Karakasis, Adviser, International Activities Division, Eurobank Group
Speakers: Gikas Hardouvelis, Chief Economist and Head of Economic Research, Eurobank Group, Piroska M Nagy, Director for Country Strategy and Policy, EBRD, Cristian Popa, Deputy Governor, National Bank of Romania, Debora Revoltella, Director, Economics Department, EIB, Nicholas Tesseyman, Managing Director of Financial, Institutions, EBRD.
16.55-17.55 CEE Banking: New Models
- Funding models: cross border versus local currency
- Regulatory challenges
- Co-ordination processes and Vienna 2.0
- A European Banking Union: the implications
- How to ensure a sustainable profitability for banks in the region
- Building domestic deposit bases
- Lending levels/lending criteria/ NPLs
Moderator: Toby Fildes, Managing Editor, EuroWeek
Speakers: Mark Arnold, Chief Executive Officer, Sberbank Europe AG, Pierre Gautier, Director, Financial Services Ratings, Standard & Poor’s, Anthony C. Hassiotis, Head of International Activities General Division, Eurobank Group, Peter Lennkh, Board Member for Corporate Business, Raiffeisen Bank International, Marc Luet, Cluster Head for Central and Eastern Europe, Citi, Gianni Franco Papa, Head of CEE Division, UniCredit.
Wednesday 15 January
10.35-11.25 Romania Roundtable
- Macroeconomic Outlook
- Investment Climate in Romania
- Banking Market in Romania: Challenges and Opportunities
Chaired by: Helen Wyles, Deputy Director, EuromoneyConferences
Participants: Liviu Voinea, Minister for Budget, Ministry of Public Finance, Government of Romania, Enache Jiru, Secretary of State, Ministry of Public Finance, Government of Romania, David Smart, Global Head of Sovereign Funds and Supranationals, Franklin Templeton, Tibor Pandi, Country Officer for Romania, Cluster Head for Bulgaria and Romania, Citi.
11.50-12.40 Looking to 2025
- Crisis or recovery: is the end in sight?
- The effect of global policies on CEE
- What is the outlook for export driven economies?
- Competitiveness in the region
- Regional and international policy co-ordination
- How does CEE compare to other emerging markets in terms of growth?
- How will a slow down in BRICs growth affect CEE?
Moderator: Mark Johnson, Editor, Euromoney Conferences
Speakers: Gikas Hardouvelis, Chief Economist and Head of Economic Research, Eurobank Group, Valentin Hofstaetter, Deputy Chief Economist, Raiffeisen Bank International, Dhaval Joshi, Managing Editor, European Investment Strategy, BCA Research, Marcus Svedberg, Chief Economist, East Capital.