De citit azi
Forbes: Reclamele bancilor au castigat audienta pe micile ecrane.
BCR – 4.328 GRP’30 all urban (crestere de 39%), Bancpost – 3.877 (crestere de 8,3%), Piraeus Bank – 2.747 (crestere de 168%) și Raiffeisen Bank – 2.529 GRP’30 all urban, crestere de 1.735%.
Biz: Domino cu reforma.
Una dintre stirile care au fost trecute destul de repede cu vederea la mijlocul lunii iunie este aprobarea, in unanimitate, de catre ministrii ECOFIN a abrogarii procedurii de deficit excesiv pentru Romania. “Decizia reprezinta recunoasterea oficiala a faptului ca deficitul bugetar al Romaniei s-a incadrat sub tinta de 3% din PIB in anul 2012, precum si a credibilitatii politicii bugetare pentru anul in curs si pentru anul urmator, Comisia Europeana confirmand prognoza Guvernului Romaniei de continuare a procesului de consolidare fiscala”, se arata intr-un comunicat de presa al Ministerului Finantelor Publice.
Financial Times: Google invests in YouTube studio in LA.
At Google’s vast new complex in LA, an entertainment revolution is under way. The cream of YouTube talent is shooting their crowd-pulling videos and creating a fusion of old and new media.
The Economist: The emporium strikes back.
Shopping is about entertainment as well as acquisition. It allows people to build desires as well as fulfil them—if it did not, no one would ever window-shop. It encompasses exploration and frivolity, not just necessity. It can be immersive, too. While computer screens can bewitch the eye, a good shop has four more senses to ensorcell. No one makes the point better than Apple; in terms of sales per unit area its showrooms-slash-playrooms best all other American retailers. And shops make money. Bricks-and-mortar retail may be losing ground to online shopping, but it remains more profitable.