Cele 10 porunci ale emailului – de la FT.com citire
FT.com a publicat ieri un articol grozav despre email si prin extensie, despre smartphones si social media. Autorul, Tim Hardford, este un autor de carti catalogate ca “bestseller” si este membru al boardului editorial al FT.
Cele 10 porunci:
- Email is your servant
- Don’t bother filing your emails – archive them
- Process your email inbox – and empty it
- Five emails are sometimes better than one
- Use filters – a bit
- Smile – it’s all on the record
- Smartphones are habit-forming, so think about the habits you want to form
- Embrace the imperfect To Do list
- How to deal with social media
- And finally … all this is a work in progress
Mai multe, in articolul FT, aici.
In articol se face referinta la un studiu foarte interesant: “Am I wasting my time organizing email?” de Steve Whittaker, Tara Matthews, Julian Cerruti, Hernan Badenes, John Tang. Detalii aici.
Sursa foto.